PC Tuneup Tools is an advanced and comprehensive suite of utilities that promises to make your computer run faster by scanning and identifying critical errors in different system areas.
Perhaps the most relevant characteristic of this application is the visual design. The developers have definitely bet on the future by using touch-screen technology and providing a tile-based user interface similar to that of Windows 8. However, there are some aspects that need further polishing. For instance, it occupies the whole screen, which makes switching between applications difficult. Also, when you switch to another window, it will leave no visual traces that indicate PC Tuneup Tools is still running. In this regard, there will be no button on the taskbar or in the System Tray to return to this application.
Using the application is rather easy; you just need to select the tile that links to the intended tool. The tiles are properly described and they show tip texts. In addition, the size of the tiles will also act as an indicator of the hierarchy of the given utility; the larger the tile, the more important the tool. The included tools are Registry Cleaner, Windows Prefetch Cleaner, Privacy Cleaner, File Shredder, Desktop Lock, Startup Manager, Hard Drive Cleaner, Memory Manager, Restore Point Cleaner, Cookie Analyzer, File Encrypter and Registry Backup/Restore. If you are familiar with system optimizers, you have probably noticed that PC Tuneup Tools includes the most common tools and a few more. This means that apart from cleaning Registy errors, protecting your privacy and managing RAM, it can also save space by deleting Windows Prefetch files and restore points, and accelerate startup by managing autorun applications, among other features. All these features will require only two clicks to perform their functions: one to start scanning and another to clean.
In general, PC Tuneup Tools is a useful and comprehensive application with a contemporary design. However, be aware that the real power of this type of applications is invisible because it lies hidden in its code.